Are Veneers Right for You? Exploring Candidacy and Expectations in Newport News


By Covaney & Covaney

Veneers are a popular cosmetic dental treatment that can transform smiles by improving the appearance of teeth. If you’re considering veneers in Newport News, it’s essential to understand whether you’re a candidate for this procedure and what to expect from the process. In this blog, we’ll explore the factors that determine candidacy for veneers and set realistic expectations for potential patients.

Understanding Veneers

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that are bonded to the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. They can address various cosmetic concerns, including discoloration, chips, cracks, gaps, and misalignment. Veneers are typically made from porcelain or composite resin materials and are designed to blend seamlessly with natural teeth, creating a beautiful and natural-looking smile.

Candidacy for Veneers

While veneers can effectively enhance the appearance of many smiles, not everyone is a suitable candidate for this treatment. Your dentist will evaluate several factors to determine if veneers are right for you, including:

  1. Overall Oral Health: Good oral health is essential for successful veneer placement. Your dentist will assess the health of your teeth and gums to ensure that any underlying issues, such as decay or gum disease, are addressed before proceeding with veneers.
  2. Tooth Structure: Veneers require a certain amount of healthy tooth structure to bond to. If your teeth are severely decayed, damaged, or have insufficient enamel, alternative treatments may be recommended.
  3. Cosmetic Concerns: Veneers are primarily used to address cosmetic issues rather than structural problems. If you have concerns such as stains, discoloration, chips, cracks, gaps, or minor misalignment, you may be a candidate for veneers.
  4. Alignment and Bite: While veneers can improve the appearance of slightly misaligned teeth, they may not be suitable for significant alignment issues or bite problems. In such cases, orthodontic treatment may be recommended before considering veneers.

The Veneer Process

If you’re deemed a suitable candidate for veneers, the treatment process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Consultation: During your initial consultation, your dentist will discuss your goals, examine your oral health, and determine if veneers are the right option for you. They may also take X-rays or impressions of your teeth to plan the treatment.
  2. Preparation: To prepare your teeth for veneers, a small amount of enamel will be removed from the front surface of the teeth to make room for the veneers. This step is essential for ensuring a natural-looking result and a proper fit.
  3. Impressions: Once your teeth are prepared, impressions or digital scans of your teeth will be taken to create custom-made veneers that are tailored to your unique smile.
  4. Temporary Veneers: While your permanent veneers are being fabricated, temporary veneers may be placed to protect your teeth and maintain aesthetics.
  5. Placement: Once your custom veneers are ready, your dentist will carefully bond them to the front surface of your teeth using dental adhesive. Any final adjustments will be made to ensure a comfortable fit and natural appearance.
  6. Follow-Up: After your veneers are placed, your dentist will provide instructions for care and maintenance and schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and address any concerns.

Realistic Expectations

While veneers can significantly improve the appearance of your smile, it’s essential to have realistic expectations about the results and limitations of this treatment. While veneers are durable and long-lasting, they may need to be replaced eventually due to wear and tear. Additionally, veneers may not be able to address certain issues such as severe misalignment or bite problems, which may require alternative treatments.


Veneers can be an excellent option for individuals looking to enhance the appearance of their smiles and address cosmetic concerns. By understanding the candidacy criteria and treatment process, you can determine if veneers are the right choice for you. If you’re considering veneers in Newport News, schedule a consultation with a qualified dentist to discuss your options and take the first step towards achieving the smile of your dreams.